Under Construction!

The Q-Rapids quality model is characterised by three types of entities: Strategic Indicators, Factors and Metrics. This library includes three classes to access to these types of entities. This library also allows to access to the information related to how the elements has been computed (relations) how this computation can be simulated.

Following tables contain the method summary for these classes and the DTOs used to transfer the data.

Table 9. class StrategicIndicator (QMA API)

Method and result


Current Status (only one evaluation per strategic indicator)

getEvaluations() returns StrategicIndicatorEvaluationDTO []

This method returns the list of the strategic indicators and the “last” evaluation. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value

getFactorsEvaluations() returns StrategicIndicatorFactorEvaluationDTO []

This method returns the list of the strategic indicators. For each strategic indicator, it returns the list of factors associated to it and their “last” evaluation. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value.

getFactorsEvaluations(id: string) returns FactorEvaluationDTO []

This method returns the list of factors associated to the strategic indicator evaluation passed as a parameter and their “last” evaluation. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value.

setStrategicIndicatorEvaluation(String projectId, String strategicIndicatorID, String strategicIndicatorName, String strategicIndicatorDescription, Float value, LocalDate evaluationDate, EstimationEvaluationDTO estimation, List<String> missingFactors, long datesMismatch)

This method stores in the corresponding index the assessment for a concrete strategic indicator for an specific date.

Historical Data (more than one evaluation per strategic indicator)

getEvaluation(Date from, Date to) returns StrategicIndicatorEvaluationDTO []

This method returns the list of the strategic indicators and the evaluations belonging to the specific period defined by the parameters from and to. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value.

getFactorsEvaluations(Date from, Date to) returns StrategicIndicatorFactorEvaluationDTO[]

This method returns the list of the strategic indicators. For each strategic indicator, it returns the list of factors associated to it and their evaluations belonging to the period defined by the parameters from and to. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value.

getFactorsEvaluations(id: string, Date from, Date to) returns FactorEvaluationDTO[]

This method returns the list of factors associated to the strategic indicator evaluation passed as parameter and their evaluations belonging to the period defined by the parameters from and to. The evaluation contains the evaluation date and value.